Once you are ready to compile a report for Individual Evaluations done for a submitted Proposal, use the following steps to create, review, and save the report.

  • Creating an Individual Evaluation Report
  • Navigating Individual Evaluation Report
  • How to modify an Individual Evaluation Report
  • Saving an Individual Evaluation Report


Creating an Individual Evaluation Report

  1. Click on the Reports in the left navigation bar. 
  2. Choose Individual Evaluation from the choice of reports. 
  3. In the form that pops up, select the Solicitation Name from the drop down list. Only one may selected at a time. 
  4. Choose the Contractor from the drop down list. Only one Contractor may be selected at a time. 
  5. Select which Factors to include in the report if you do not want all factors included. All factors are included if you don't select any in this field. Continue with selection of what to include in the report for the remaining fields and click Generate ReportAll will be included by default if no selections are made. 
  6. Individual Report generated.

Navigating Individual Evaluation Report

Once you have generated an Individual Evaluation Report, you may navigate the report online by using the following steps.

  1. Click on one of the Factor tabs to view a particular Factor. 
  2. The Individual Evaluations will be summarized at the top of the page. 
  3. To view the details from a particular Evaluator, click on the arrow next to the name and click on the arrow next to the Characteristic title to see the full details. 

How to modify an Individual Evaluation Report

  1. Click on the gear icon on the right side to access the Report Settings. 
  2. Modify the Report Settings in the window that pops out on the right side of the screen. Click on the X in the item bubble to remove it from the report. Click in the field to access the drop down list and select an item to add to the report. 
  3. Click on Apply at the bottom of the pop out window to update the report. 

Saving an Individual Evaluation Report

  1. Click on Download Report icon in the upper right corner of the report. 
  2. The report will be downloaded as a Word document. 
  3. Once downloaded you may print, convert to a PDF, etc. as needed.