Learn how to manage Individual Evaluations for a submitted Proposal in iNsight via the following functions: 

  • Initiate Individual Evaluations
  • Check status of Initiated Individual Evaluations
  • Review a completed Individual Evaluation
  • Extend an Individual Evaluation Due Date

Initiate Individual Evaluations

  1. Open the Solicitation with the Proposal needing an Individual Evaluation. 
  2. Navigate to the Proposal view for the Solicitation by clicking on the Proposal icon in the left navigation bar. Click on the three (3) dots to the right of the proposal needing evaluation and select Initiate Evaluation. 
  3. Set the Due Date for each Factor to have an evaluation initiated. 
  4. Select a day in the calendar that pops up and click OK 
  5. Select the hour and click OK. 
  6. Select the minute and click OK. 
  7. Select AM or PM and click OK. 
  8. Repeat Step 4 for any additional Factor to be initiated at this time.
  9. To set all Factor Due Dates to the same time/date click on the arrows icon next to the Due Date label. Set the time and date as done in the above steps. 
  10. Initiate Factors with Due Date set by clicking on the box to the left of the name. Click on the Initiate button at the bottom of the screen. 
  11. Close the Success popup message. 
  12. The status of the Proposal is updated to Under Individual Evaluation.

NOTE: To initiate any remaining Factors for an Individual Evaluation, simply follow these steps for the remaining Factor.

Check status of Initiated Individual Evaluations

  1. Navigate to the Evaluations section of the desired Solicitation to view a list of all Initiated Individual Evaluations. 

Viewing Summary of Factors submitted for Individual Evaluations

  1. Navigate to the Proposal View and click on the desired Proposal. 
  2. To see a list of all Factors submitted for Individual Evaluations and a summary of Status, click on the Evaluations Tab in the proposal window. Then click on the Individual Evaluation to see the status summary for each Factor. 
  3. Click on the Factor line to expand to see status by Evaluator

Review a completed Individual Evaluation

  1. Navigate to the Evaluation section of the desired Proposal to view Initiated Individual Evaluations. Click on the row to open the Evaluation. 
  2. To review Characteristics submitted by the Evaluator, click on the Characteristics Tab. Click on All view tab to see a complete list of submitted Characteristics. Click on Strength, Weakness, Deficiency, or Risk tab for a filtered list with just those Characteristic types. 
  3. Click on the item to open the Characteristics Details view. 
  4. To view the part of the Solicitation being referenced, click on the Solicitation tab. 
  5. To view the part of the Proposal being referenced, click on the Proposal tab. 
  6. To review the Rating, click on the Ratings Tab. The Rating and Rationale will be shown.

Extend an Individual Evaluation Due Date

To extend the due date for evaluations on a solicitation, modify the Solicitation Key Dates.

Re-open an Individual Evaluation

  1. If an Evaluator marked their evaluation complete by mistake, you may elect to re-open the evaluation. In the Evaluations View for the appropriate Solicitation, click on the three (3) dots for the evaluation and select Re-open Evaluation from the drop down list.