Version 1.0 

Once you have an account for iNsight, your organization will want to review released Solicitations and upload proposals to submit to the associated Contracting Office. 

Features for finding and Viewing Solicitations:

Feature 1: Locating the Solicitation

  • Step 1: Navigate to Solicitation Workspace  Navigate to the workspace for the desired Solicitation contract vehicle. Click on the Workspace icon in the upper right corner of the screen and click on the appropriate workspace in the pop-out window. If you do not see the Workspace specified by the Contracting Office and you are your Org Owner in iNsight, reach out to the Contracting Officer for the Solicitation to add you to the Workspace. If you are not your Org Owner in iNsight, reach out to someone in your organization with Admin role to add you to the Workspace. 
  • Step 2: Navigate to Solicitations  Once you are in the correct Workspace, click on the Solicitations icon in the left navigation bar.  
  • Step 3: Locate Solicitation  Locate the desired Solicitation. If you do not see the Solicitation, reach out to the Contracting Officer to confirm that the Solicitation has been released. If it is not released yet, the Solicitation will not be show yet.

Feature 2: Viewing Solicitation Information

Clicking on the Solicitation card will open into the Solicitation Summary view which has the following parts.

  1. Solicitation Details
  2. Next Milestone and deadline
  3. Key Milestones timeline view
  4. Proposal Structure
  5. Evaluation Factors overview

Feature 3: Accessing the Solicitation documents

  • Step 1: Access Solicitation Document Tab  Click on the Documents tab in the Solicitation Summary view. Then click on the desired document folder to see a list of the files. 
  • Step 2: Access Desired Document  Click on the file name to view or download a document (depending on the file type). The files will need to be accessed one at a time.